Thursday, March 20, 2008

The story of a frog

This was one vid that I made in 2 hours end to end. I got some positive feedback - good script and good execution. To an extremely -ve feedback - some went to an extent of asking me to reshoot. Both the parties were extremely honest. And I was trying to evaluate why I got two such feedback. And learnt a very crucial lesson:

"Some audiences only look at the frog and some only look at the fly".

Why do I say this. This is because when i made the video and was seeing it across various rereuns, I was trying to see how the fly was trying to elude the frog. When I see the video from that interaction or fly point of view, it is not boring at all. But the dominant image of my video was frog. And lots of folks only saw the frog and found it boring.
Ofcourse there were some remarks as - I can see the thread, I can see the hand. That
on my part was intentional. One remark was - can we have a more real fly please (actually I thought in the contrary that instead of a written "fly" I could have had a smiley, as I had already introduced it.) Even the brand of the plate that shows up -that too. Coz I wanted to bring out the fact that it is staged, its like in a puppet show, you see the puppets and the hands of the puppeteers. I found some appeal in showing it rather than hiding it.
Also another lesson I learnt was that script is important. I made this video practically at the time of editing when the concept of love between frog and fly came up, I could have thought about it nad have shot it better. From now on my policy is to avoid reshoots as much as possible. Afterall when I make a real movie with real actors, will I be able to reshoot it?

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