Friday, February 13, 2009

Learning from Foundation film

Video to be posted
1) Light should not be muddy
2) Successive shots should be cut on different angles
3)If the time limit of movie is 3 mins then try to see your script and realize that it will be mins else you mess up the entire movie
4) Don;t work with untrained and super concious girls as your main protagonist (especially at the early stage of your career - especially if yo uhave time limit). They will sap your energy on the set. Practice wel land if during practice you realize that it is not gonna work then throw her out. P.S: However when in film school try to work with untrained actors - nothing teaches yo uacting and handling with actors better.
5) 3 mins movie - don't go for 3-4 scenes - setting up will take time.
6) Pacing during editing is super important to help generate a mood.
7) Don't take even a single shot for granted. Never it is like chal jayega - be very particular about the lens, sound quality etc.
8) Don't have too many shots if time is less - else the whole shooting procedure has a risk of breaking down.
9) Rehearse rehearse rehearse
10) Storyboard before the shoot and not after it for the sake of submission. :)

P.S: Though I think being super ambitious in the foundation film taught me much more about directing a movie than if I had played it safe. Take advantages of being a student - be ambitious.

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